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Congrats on your Victory. The Truth always remains the Truth, whether it is past, present, or future. God always speaks the Truth. I agree with your statement about the lying corrupt Communists. Atheist Communism creeps into society through lies and accusations about individuals. Their intent is to destroy stable families and Churches that have Godly morals. They know that they cannot defeat large institutions that have deep pockets, so they attack the INDIVIDUALS who do not have the money to fight in court. Especially White, Christian, Males. Now they are turning on Black Christian Males and calling them Uncle Toms. In your case, they went after you because you were chipping away at their voter base and exposing the TRUTH about their LIES. I am so glad you did. One thing I learned about lies is that you cannot allow a LIE to stand unopposed. You HAVE to oppose it or it will metastasize. I am from the era of those who grew up in the 1950's and lived through the turbulent times of the 1960's including the deaths of JFK, RFK, and MLK. We experienced too much government secrecy surrounding their deaths, we saw the Communists creeping onto our campuses, and we opposed the war in Viet Nam. We knew that evil was making its way into our government but kept demanding the TRUTH. We stayed pro-Constitution, pro-Law and Order, and pro-Marriage. We finally achieved unity and peace in the 1970's, and we can do it again. Love and Brotherhood is the road to Peace and Unity. Come on People Now, Smile on your Brother, Everybody Get Together, Try to Love One Another, Right Now. (I am still pro-Constitution, pro-Marriage, pro-Law and Order and pro-MAGA baby!)

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