By Sherry Pence
I firmly believe that everything and everyone has a purpose. If you are reading this right now, at this very moment — this message is meant for you! Ever since the current regime stole its power, we have had some remarkable revelations. Every day, we are becoming privy to ever more corruption, more fraud, more lies, and more manipulation. The daily propaganda — once you see it for what it is — can be overwhelming, and some of the information coming to light can be downright black-pilling. But it is also a very exciting time to be alive — arguably the most exciting time in living history.
(Sherry’s #WalkAway video)
With that said, isn’t it comforting to know that we were made for such a time as this?
So how is it that we find ourselves at this particular moment in time?
A lot of what we see happening is obviously inorganic and is being thrust upon us by authoritarian elites who arrogantly think the earth belongs to them, while the rest of us are, using their very own words, just “useless eaters.”
Even though this “inorganic” aspect is true, this isn’t the only explanation because humanity has always seen authoritarians rise and fall. Why is it now different?
Let me share an analogy: I always liken it to a sandcastle on the beach. A person or a group of people spend time meticulously creating a beautiful piece of art, something for all to enjoy. But this castle constantly needs to be guarded — as it only takes one moment, one person in a jealous fit of rage to destroy it in a heartbeat. This part right here, this is the part of the story humanity currently finds itself in.
We are suffering from propagandized, rage-filled, jealous people destroying everything we’ve all worked so hard for. And at the end of the day, it’s our fault for letting our guard down, because — for many reasons worth exploring — we’ve truly become too comfortable, lazy and complacent.
We are in the middle of losing our history, our monuments, our institutions, our heritage and our nation.
But it’s not all bad news. The good news is we the people are waking up every single day. And once we get over the initial shock of seeing the truth of what is actually happening, we are going to rebuild better and stronger than before. Every day positive people, creative people, builders and makers, are holding “X” spaces to talk about how to create a better education system, how to create a fairer banking system, how to create a sustainable healthcare system, how to strengthen our good laws, how to throw out that which does not serve the people anymore, and how to approach environmental challenges that are good for both humans and the environment. There is a lot of talk about creating a future with transactional transparency using smart contracts; a system that would get rid of “middle men”, be more efficient and less susceptible to fraud.
My favorite thing about humanity, and it has been proven time and time again, is how we can solve problems when given the freedom and incentive to do so.
The way to move forward is to rebuild with stronger material, a stronger foundation, and a stronger resolve to safeguard against authoritarianism, and we are going to be vigilant and diligently protect our work, from malignant people who for whatever reasons, desire only to destroy — just like our founding fathers did not that many generations ago.
You can join these “X” spaces. You can create your own spaces. It’s really the easiest, most doable first step in finding like-minded “awake” people. Everything starts with conversations.
As we enter 2024, to gain the upper hand in this “culture war”, we will be most effective if we start viewing what is actually happening as opposed to the “narratives” of what is happening.
Most of us have awakened to the fact that we are all being aggressively propagandized, much in the same way Rwandans were propagandized into a deadly genocidal campaign, which resulted in a death toll of an estimated one million people.
[From: Rwanda Genocide of 1994]
Rwanda genocide of 1994, planned campaign of mass murder in Rwanda that occurred over the course of some 100 days in April–July 1994. The genocide was conceived by extremist elements of Rwanda’s majority Hutu population who planned to kill the minority Tutsi population and anyone who opposed those genocidal intentions. It is estimated that some 200,000 Hutu, spurred on by propaganda from various media outlets, participated in the genocide. More than 800,000 civilians—primarily Tutsi, but also moderate Hutu—were killed during the campaign. As many as 2,000,000 Rwandans fled the country during or immediately after the genocide.”
The irony of this whole tragedy is that they were all the same people. They were divided by propaganda.
It Is critical that we recognize that what was done to Rwandans is exactly what is being done to United States Citizens via State-sponsored propaganda via ALL mainstream media organizations.
It is absolutely critical that we wake up to this fact.
Here is one way we can fight back. One of the most beneficial things we can do for ourselves is to drop the A vs B narratives. We are being divided along all “intersectional” lines and it is killing us.
Black vs White
Men vs Women
Left vs Right
I especially don’t think the labels of “right” and “left” serve humanity anymore, because the truth is, it’s all just authoritarianism, and this goes for all the other intersectional labels as well. At their core, all this intersectional division is nothing more than power and control.
Authoritarianism, no matter who perpetrates it, is the exact same monster, and it produces the exact same results which inevitably end in mass genocide every time, because there will always be the contrived narrative-driven fake “enemy” who refuses to submit to the authoritarian of the moment. Understanding this, it’s no wonder that the genocidal elites, such as the WEF and other global alliances, are injecting this into Western societies.
They know exactly what they are doing.
So, as we fight this authoritarian evil that has infiltrated our government, big corporations, mainstream media, the tech industry, our long-standing institutions and our public education system, we need to fight back by highlighting their authoritarian policies and using more precise language to describe them, instead of falling into the trap of useless narratives of “Liberals vs Conservatives”, “Democrats vs Republicans” and “Left vs Right”. We need to judge them by their actions, not their words — because all authoritarians lie.
I did promise to give concrete ways to fight the war against this authoritarian takeover… so here we go:
1.) Learn to discern the light and dark.
If you are religious, pray to God for that discernment and wisdom. If you are not religious, think about reading some texts that have stood the test of time and perfectly encapsulate the nature of humankind. The Bible is an excellent source. You don’t have to believe in God to glean its wisdom.
For many, it is difficult to discern between good and bad people, and yes there are bad people in this world. There are people out there right now who want nothing more than to bring about your death and destruction. Ignoring this fact, (which has become painfully obvious, in light of recent events) is not serving you or your loved ones anymore.
2.) Support good things and good people.
Defunding the authoritarians is one of the best weapons at your disposal. Stop all funding to all companies and outlets that do not support your values. Alternatives are being created every day by freedom-loving people who just want to produce good things without trying to indoctrinate and control you. Places like and
The other side of this coin is to put pressure on the companies and institutions you have to patronize to change their racist and woke policies.
3.) Create!
One of the best ways to fight back is to create, build, and make. Our ability to create not only defines the people who walk in light, but we are mirror images of our Creator. We are the antithesis of authoritarians because authoritarians cannot create, they can only steal. We must create alternatives to their corrupted imitations of so-called entertainment, art, and music. We must create timeless alternatives that are not based on identity politics and where skin color and sex do not matter. People will choose truth and beauty over the artificial and contrived if they are given the opportunity.
Most importantly, trust that YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. People are so hungry for alternatives; NOW is your time to build. There is opportunity here and now for tomorrow’s superstars!
4.) Call them out on their lies. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
We are truly living in a time of lies and propaganda. Everyone who is “awake” knows this to be true.
Relentlessly, tirelessly and consistently combat their lies every time they are spoken, with the TRUTH. As we know, truth, facts, biology and real unadulterated science is NOT on their side. Stand up, and speak out. This can be done with kind but firm resolution. In fact, it is not only necessary that all of us do this, but it is imperative to combat the lies and move past this dystopia they have created for us. Remember that their lies and actions are emotional provocations to control you.
Is it a provocation?
Remember that almost everything is “theatre” right now. So many politicians are nothing more than hired actors and actresses. Did you see AOC’s casting call for her position to play congresswoman? It’s true. She is no more a politician than my dog is.
When they provoke us with outrageous statements and acts, think to yourself, what is the desired response they want from us? Don’t give it to them.
5.) Find your resolve.
NOW is the time to fight back.
Stop submitting to fear of what people will think of you. Stop being complacent because you still have conveniences in your life and things aren’t “bad enough” yet. If you don’t yet have the courage to ensure a better future for the next generation, then find someone who is fighting and support the hell out of them!
Courage begets courage. Find those courageous people and learn what makes them fearless in the face of impending slavery and death.
6.) Mock the authoritarians, relentlessly and without end.
Observe what kind of personality it takes to be an authoritarian. If we are honest, we can see that they always fit into the same general category. Their mental illness defines them—Megalomania, narcissism — a pathological level of jealousy and envy and an insatiable need to control others.
Mocking them is one of the greatest tools we have at our disposal.
7.) Find the people who think like you.
Your people are out there, find them and hang onto them like your life depends on it. Honor them, care for them, protect them. And don’t worry we are attracting each other like magnets right now.
We WILL find one another….just follow the light.
8.) Have very firm boundaries.
Solidify your personal boundaries and be unwavering in keeping them from being violated. Do not let anyone walk all over you, put you at a disadvantage or bully you. Remember that all bullies are cowards and they expect you to cower instead of fight back. Always fight back!
9.) Know your Constitutional Rights.
Acquire a copy of the Constitution and your State Constitution. Read them. Understand them and learn them inside and out. You will quickly learn that many of your rights have already been infringed. Authoritarians rely on your ignorance and they will trample your rights. We’ve seen this over and over in recent years.
There is a lawyer by the name of David Jose who is doing excellent work in educating people on the law and how to fight back by holding our government officials to the constitution that they have sworn oaths to. This is a grassroots-level movement of correcting authoritarians in your own community.
10.) Do NOT comply.
Own your constitutional right to free speech by saying whatever you need to say using whichever language most accurately reflects your ideas. Throw all the authoritarian “political correctness” out the window — it was always designed to control you from the very beginning.
We mustn’t fall into the authoritarian language traps. Language like “gender-affirming care” is one of the most obvious abuses of language, let alone being an outright lie. A more truthful way to describe what these authoritarians are pushing on our children is “sex-denying harm”.
If we countered their lies with the truth by using accurate language — instead of giving power to their false premise in the first place — we can greatly reduce harm and end one of the most heinous crimes against humanity that we have ever witnessed.
Do not comply with a single unconstitutional mandate, lockdown, or anything other mechanism to control you. The United States government is a servant OF THE PEOPLE, not the other way around. Own this truth!
As we go into an election year we can expect the “Truman Show” to go into overdrive with fear porn. But be vigilant and do not succumb to fear.
Authoritarians always lead with fear. They use fear tactics to control us. Reject anyone who leads in fear and support leaders who lead with hope. Fear is the darkness. Hope is the light.
Be cognizant of who is trying to control you and by what means. Learn the tricks of the authoritarians.
Propaganda, censorship, bots, paid agitators, and zealous cult members work together to create the illusion of consensus. The truth is we vastly outnumber them. Take comfort in this fact.
We have the collective power to manifest positivity and effect global change for the good of humanity — not the good of a select few elites.
This is the most exciting time to be alive if we approach it with the right attitude.
Now that people are waking up in droves to the “Theater of the Authoritarians”, we can detach ourselves from their manipulations.
We can observe it with amusement, and in the meantime, continue exposing their lies. We ALL need to relentlessly mock their feeble efforts to enslave us.
And while the authoritarians are making fools of themselves, we will work together to manifest a positive future.
Stay open and positive. Raise your spiritual vibration with truth and beauty and watch your circle of friends and support grow.
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Trump's Guys
"Ye shall be judged by the company you keep!"
Center: Donald Trump. Clockwise, from upper left: Rudy Giuliani; Vladimer Putin; Kim Jong Un; Clarence Thomas; Enrique Tarrio (Proud Boys Leader); Proud Boys Soldier; Kid Rock (Pretend Tough Guy Entertainer/Trump advocate); Steve Bannon.
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